Thanks for stopping by. I'm so excited that you decided to learn more about me!
First and foremost, I am a wife and mother to 2 boys, Kyle and Mason. They're part of the reason that I continued to pursue my dream of being a business owner. Having the ability to make my own hours and still be present for them is invaluable, and an experience for which I will forever be indebted to my amazing husband.
As a kid, I was always organizing everything. I loved stationary and paper and pens and markers and journals and planners and anything else that allowed me to plan and organize. Trapper Keepers and Lisa Frank? Yes, PLEASE! As I got older, that love for organization became a love for planning, particularly fun things like events. I woke up one day with the thought, “Could I actually make a living doing this?”. I had gone to Albertus Magnus College in New Haven, CT for my Bachelor's Degree in Communications, so I had a little knowledge about business and how they worked. When the idea began to formulate more and more in my head, I decided to take my education even further and pursue a Master of Business Administration Degree. Right after I earned this degree, I had my first son, so the timing was perfect! I was able to be home with him during the week while my husband worked, and work at night and on the weekends, when most events took place!
More than 10 years later, I still love bringing the idea and concept of a wedding or event into reality. Each one plays out differently, and I love that! It keeps things fresh and exciting! I can't wait to hear from you and learn all about how I can help with your next event!